I worry that they think or feel so many things that I am now responsible for, even though I didn't ask for this monster to invade my body. What about their lives? What about the family outings to the beach, the park, a movie? What about sport days, family gatherings? Everything ends up being a case of first checking if I am feeling ok. Is it too windy outside? Have I got enough meds to take me through the day? Do we have the money to go out or do we need that money for medication or a doctors' visit?
It is so unfair on them. I spent 5 minutes helping my daughter learn to ride her bike and have had days of pain as a result. It's not fair.
We shouldn't have to deal with this, but more importantly, our families really have had a raw deal as a result.
What about their lives? What about their happiness? What about them?
I am really grateful to them for their support. They are my strength many days when I can't see a way to go on. I just hope that I am able to give them as much normalcy as possible.

There's an elephant on my face by Lianne Keiller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.