So what does this have to do with TN? Well, everything, actually. If I wasn't a realist, I don't think I could have survived the journey that TN has taken me on thus far. I don't think I would have been able to avoid the depression that often comes with chronic pain, go to work when my pain levels were bearable or be the wife and mother that I am. If I didn't take things as they come, use my low pain moments to accomplish things I couldn't the rest of the time, I would be in bed permanently, in a mental health clinic, or dead. That, my friends, is the truth. I had to be realistic this year about what I could and couldn't do.... even if it was something as simple as opening the door on a breezy day. It is truly, in my opinion, the only way to live with TN.
So for 2016, I am not going to post a status that says it is MY year, I won't be telling the world that I will conquer it.... I will take each day as it comes. TN has taught me that, if nothing else, and for that, I am grateful.
There's an elephant on my face by Lianne Keiller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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