Having recently been introduced to the spoon theory, I find that the only way to describe how I am feeling today is by saying that my cutlery drawer is empty. I have had almost 7 months of constant, varying levels of pain. Up until that point it had been short, intermittent jabs to the ear and temple. For the past two weeks though, the pain has increased exponentially along with the fact that its gone bilateral.
So today, having got to a point where I close my eyes at night with pain, and open my eyes in the morning with pain, I can say that I have figuratively gone to my cutlery drawer to find it devoid of spoons. I have been borrowing spoons from my very supportive husband and parents, but they need their spoons too in order to go about their daily lives. I think I may have found one of those tiny souvenir teaspoons under a cushion on the couch where I wish I could continue to sit.
It's really amazing how just a few months ago it was the norm for me to work a full day, which included driving about 100km; help the kids with homework; watch some tv while working some more at home and possibly work on research as well before getting 4-5 hours sleep. That was the norm. I wasted so many spoons that I wish I could get back right now. Now, my day is usually being dropped off at work, hoping to make it a full day, being picked up, taking a 2 hour nap while Alex makes supper and helps the girls with homework, eating and then sitting in front of the tv in pain.
I don't know if anyone is really reading this, but if you are.... please take care of your spoons. You never know when you may need an extra one, believe me, an empty cutlery drawer is a horrible sight to see.

There's an elephant on my face by Lianne Keiller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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