My brain is the Judge
My head the courtroom
My body is a prison
And my sentence is " Life"
This prison provides a toothbrush made of steelwool
At times they're kinder and offer me a piece of sandpaper instead.
Allowed to exercise daily in the windy courtyard
Equivalent to rolling around in electrified fencing
I get to take showers
A shower of nails
And bed time is often
Being strapped down on a pillow of fire ants and barbed wire to caress my face.
I get to see my family daily
Their hugs and kisses are like fire
I cut off the offensive hair, that had turned to knives
But still, the prison-issued clothing, a scarf, will continue to torment me, brushing ever so gently against my cheeks.
My question is....
What is my crime?
What have I done to deserve no possibility of parole (medication that works)
Why don't I have a chance of getting out for good behaviour (surgery)
Or am I to stay in this prison with the chance of my sentence being changed to death?
For now,
My sentence is life
My prison is my body
My head is the courtroom
And my brain, the unfeeling, unsympathetic judge.
My sentence is life.

There's an elephant on my face by Lianne Keiller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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